Monthly Archives: June 2019

Stomach Ulcers dealt with without drugs.

Contrary to popular beliefs - up to 90% of stomach ulcers are proven to be caused by Helicobacter pylori...

If you didn't already know it - this is the single most important fact that you should know about stomach ulcers.

No matter what you have been told or what you have read elsewhere. It has been clinically proven over and over again using thousands of case studies that Helicobacter pylori   (H.pylori) is the most likely cause of your stomach ulcer.

Getting rid of H. pylori has also been shown to heal stomach ulcers. 

Just knowing these 2 basic facts and the other important facts listed on this page could save you from months of unnecessary pain and suffering.

What is Helicobacter pylori?

H. pylori is the only bacterium that has been classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organisation. This bacterium is found in up to 80% of the world's population.

What symptoms and facts are related to Helicobacter pylori?

The Fact that Doctors won't tell you about Stomach Ulcer treatments...

Doctors "forget" to mention this important fact which demonstrates how ineffective the most common stomach ulcer treatments really are. This fact has purposely been kept from you by health professionals and drug companies. And just because they want to make money off you.

Nearly ALL doctors know already know that the drug is unlikely to work. This is because they all experience this result almost all the time in their own practices.

"The biggest cause of failure is due to patients not being able to complete their course of treatment. This is attributed directly to the harsh and well documented negative effects of prescribed treatments"

What are these negative effects?

These negative effects are: Joint pain, diarrhea, dizziness, fever, flu-like symptoms, stomach upset, low blood pressure, kidney damage, increased liver enzymes, mouth ulcers, nausea, light sensitivity, itching, rash, skin discoloration, hives, vomiting, heartburn, shortness of breath, blood disorders and loss of appetite.

You should be concerned about these negative effects. Obviously these are fairly extensive and can be quiet harmful.

What can you use instead of these drugs?

You just need to take 3 capsules a day for 30 days with your breakfast to get rid of the H.pylori.

Ulcer-Gone contains a rare and difficult to grow herb. It has been selected because it contains the most potent natural means of killing H. pylori in the stomach. It manages to do this because this herb contains multiple natural chemicals. All of which are proven H. pylori bacterium killer. This combination have been found to be 40 times more powerful than any other natural remedy.

You need only 3 capsules a day with breakfast for 30 days to clear the H. pylori. Your Stomach Ulcers should have disappeared as well. 

You will have no more pain or discomfort from your stomach ulcers. 

Your Doctor or pharmacist can use a simple non-invasive test after you completed the course. This will confirm that you are free from this Stomach Ulcer causing infection of H.pylori.

Stomach Ulcers Gone using Ulcer Gone Capsules

Buy your Ulcer Gone capsules here and help support this website.

Food Addiction & How to Break it – Simple system

Food Addiction causes with oversized fatty burger and soft drink

Food addiction isn't all your fault

Does your food addiction start like this?

It’s been a hard day at work and you just want to relax. You get home put on Netflix and open that bag of crisps, chips or sweets. One bite turns into one hundred and you’re left with an empty packet on your lap with you trying to blame the dog.

Don’t worry, this happens to the best of us, and it isn’t actually that uncommon with certain foods. Processed foods are scientifically engineered to be irresistible and easy to gobble up in large quantities. If you can’t stop, the chips are doing their job. Some brands even have that as a catchphrase.

The big issue here is that we become addicted to the mouth feeling and the temporary feel good of eating these foods. A lot of us feel the regret after eating these and still go back to them later in the day or the next day.

So what can you do to control this?


For a food to be “easy to eat”, it has to be: broken down easily (less chewing), and low volume (doesn’t take up much physical space). The more we have to chew something, the longer it takes us to eat, giving our fullness signals a chance to catch up.

That feeling of “fullness” matters a lot too.

When you eat, your stomach expands. It’s partly through that sensation of pressure that your body knows you’ve had enough. Processed foods deliver a lot of calories without taking up much space, meaning you can eat a lot before you realize you’ve overdone it.

Count your chews.

Note: Don’t do this forever. That would be weird. Just try it.

First, eat a whole food — a vegetable, fruit, whole grain, lean protein, whatever — and count how many chews you take per mouthful.

How long does it take to eat an entire portion of that food?

How satisfied do you feel afterward?

Do you want to eat more?

Then, next time you eat junk food, count how many chews you take per mouthful.

How long does it take to eat that serving of crisps, chips, or cookies?

How satiated do you feel afterward? Do you want to eat more?

Make some comparisons and notice the differences. Contrast how long eating each of these foods takes you, how satiated you feel after eating each of them, and how much you want to keep eating.

How will you use that information to make food choices moving forward?


Food manufacturers use marketing strategies to imply processed foods are healthy. And even if you know they’re not, they have other ways of getting you to buy them.

The good news? Simply being aware of this trick can help you bypass it.

Evaluate your pantry.

Examine the foods you have in your home and the messages you’ve been given about them by the manufacturer.

Note: Keep in mind that this is a mindful awareness activity. You’re not doing this to judge yourself or feel shame about the food choices you’ve made. Look at your pantry with curious and more informed eyes.

Step 1: Look for “health halo” foods. Do you have any? If so, why did you choose them? Was it the language used to describe it? Was it the packaging? A trendy “superfood” ingredient? Is it organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, Paleo, or something else?

Step 2: Read the nutritional information. Once you’ve identified the “health halo” foods, take a closer look. Is your “healthy” organic dark chocolate peanut butter cup all that nutritionally different from that mass-market peanut butter cup? Chances are, it’s just different packaging.

Step 3: Count how many varieties of junk foods you have. If you love ice cream — how many flavours do you have? If you peek into your cupboards, are there cookies, popcorn, candy, or crisps/ chips? Without judgment, count the total junk food variety currently in your
home. Generally, the more options you have, the easier it is to overeat.

The takeaway?

You’ll be more aware of the particular types of marketing you’re susceptible to, which you can use to make more informed food choices.
You’ll also have a better idea of which treat foods you prefer, and by reducing the variety of them in your home, you’ll cut down on opportunities to overeat.


We often use food for reasons other than physical nourishment.

Hard day, let’s have a takeaway. Temporarily, we feel better because of the mouth pleasure.

The next time we have a hard day, we remember the temporary and we repeat the ritual. If we continue to repeat this cycle, we may find ourselves slipping every time we feel blue.

We’re not even thinking about it at this point; it’s just habit. It is this habit that becomes a food addiction.

Habits are powerful, for better or for worse. They can work for us or against us.

Luckily, we have control over this.

All it takes is a little time and an understanding of how habits get formed.

All animals learn habits in the following way –

Trigger (Something Happens) > Behaviour > Reward.


Identify your triggers - they are what is driving your food addiction:

  • Feeling. We might eat more when we’re stressed, lonely, or bored. Food fills the void.
  • Time of day. We always have a cookie at 11am, or a fizzy juice at 3pm. It’s just part of
    our routine.
  • Thought pattern. Thinking “I deserve this” or “Life is too hard to chew kale” might
    steer us toward the drive-thru window.
  • Place. For some reason, a dark movie theater or our parents’ kitchen might make us want
    to munch.

  • Social setting. But everyone else is having beer and chicken wings, so might as well
    join the happy hour!


When you find yourself eating when you’re not physically hungry, increase your awareness of your triggers by asking yourself:

What am I feeling?

What time is it?

Who am I with?

Where am I?

What thoughts am I having?

Find a new behaviour every time you feel these triggers. These must be individual to you for them to be effective.

The road to a better lifestyle is takes more than just your nutrition. However, the skills and habits required to control your nutrition makes the rest of the journey far easier.

Give these a try and let us know how you get on and how you feel they can be improved.

Share your experiences below in the comments.

The really big problem with Food Addiction is that a a lot of the ingredients that the food manufacturers use cause Cancer. So in addition to becoming your drug pusher of choice they are making you sick. Eventually your addiction is likely to kill you unless you make the changes to your eating habits.

Become a member of our Destroy Disease group and take advantage of our Free 7 Day Health Kickstarter  to help you break your Food Addiction and become a healthier you.

The most potent Cancer Killing Plant is Wasabia japonica - Wasabi.

But not the stuff you normally get with your Sushi. That is normally a mix of horseradish, mustard and artificial colouring.

I am talking about the real stuff - it is a plant and doesn't require anything else to be added to make it taste the way it does. It also naturally contains the highest amount of cancer killing ingredients yet  found in the plant work. Here is more information about this amazing plant.

For those of you do not like the taste of Wasabi then there are supplements available. The ones we recommend is the SAWA brand which does not contain any additives or fillers of any kind. They are 100% Pure Wasabia japonica rhizome powder in a vegetarian capsule.

Buy your Sawa capsules here and help support this website.

All Capsules contain Sawa 100% Pure Wasabia japonica freeze dried rhizome powder. No additives of any kind.

Recommended dosage is 1 - 3 capsules daily with food at breakfast.

Prostate Cancer can be dealt with simply.

Selenium kills Prostate Cancer

Risk of prostate cancer

About 1 man in 9 will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer during his lifetime. Prostate cancer develops mainly in older men. About 60% are diagnosed in men aged 65 or older, and it is rare before age 40. The average age at the time of diagnosis is about 66.

As a preventative the consumption of one or two brazil nuts a day is a minimal requirement compared to the potential of Prostate Cancer as you get older. If you are allergic to nuts then there are Selenium supplements you can take. So do one or the other from as early an age as possible.

Prostate cancer affects men. This small gland is located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is actually part of the reproductive system and helps to make the fluid that is known as semen. Semen is needed to carry sperm, so a healthy prostate is needed for proper ejaculation and fertility. Prostate Cancer occurs when the prostate gets larger.

As men get older it is natural for some enlargement of this gland to occur. However, in some cases, this can be a sign of very serious Prostate Cancer. This type of Cancer can make urination and ejaculation painful or difficult, and can greatly affect reproductive and sexual wellbeing. But asides from complications and pain, Prostate Cancer can be seriously life-threatening. The pressing issue of Prostate Cancer has led to extensive research on treatment options and preventative measures. In particular, there has been interest in the use of particular vitamins and minerals to naturally prevent and control this form of Cancer.

One mineral that has proven to be particularly important is Selenium. 

In several different medical trials and scientific studies, it has been found that low levels of Selenium in the body can lead to a lesser risk of Prostate Cancer. In particular, it is known that this important mineral can actively defend the body against the development of Prostate Cancer.

This is because it can support the effects of antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress from occurring in the body. When oxidative stress builds up it can lead to Cancer. So it is important to ensure that antioxidants are able to fight this in your body.

Getting enough Selenium optimises the Cancer preventing benefits of antioxidants. Asides from this, it is thought that Selenium can encourage the immune system to destroy tumours.

If you are at risk of Prostate Cancer or are concerned about your future Cancer risks, then it definitely worth ensuring you have enough Selenium in your diet. People with low Selenium intake can reduce their Prostate Cancer risk just by getting more of this essential mineral in their diet. So if you are a man over the age of 50 it is especially worth watching out for Selenium.

Diet for Prostate Cancer

Now that you know how important Selenium is to your health and wellbeing, you may want to know how to include it in your diet.

There is not actually a huge range of foods that contain Selenium. For those who don’t eat meat, dairy or shellfish, there are even fewer food sources. This means that most vegetarians and vegans may struggle to find good food sources of Selenium.

However, the good news is that you don’t need a lot of Selenium in your diet at all. As a trace mineral, you only need a ‘trace’ or a small amount of it in your diet. Even a small portion of Selenium-rich foods could be enough to meet your Recommended Daily Allowance of 55 mcg. Although, if you want to treat health conditions with Selenium then you may want to get a little more Selenium than the RDA suggests, just under 200 mcg.


Organ and muscle meat are known to be rich in Selenium. The liver is a good option since it is rich in nutrients and healthy enzymes. Although an unusual choice of meat, it tends to be cheaper and offers a unique flavour to meals.

Try swapping traditional cuts of meat for organ meats to increase your Selenium intake. Poultry can be a good source of Selenium although in most cases this is only true of organic and free-range poultry. Fish, eggs, and dairy foods also contain a significant amount of Selenium and can be included every now and then as part of a nutritious and healthy diet.


With plant foods, most of the Selenium they contain depends on the soil they were grown in. Soil contains Selenium which is absorbed by the plant roots. Depending on the geographical location of growth, the Selenium concentration of plant foods can vary quite a bit. Generally though, if a plant food is considered to be rich in Selenium you can be sure that it has enough to help you meet your RDA.

One of the absolute best sources of Selenium is Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are certainly the most concentrated plant food when it comes to this trace mineral. Just one Brazil nut provides you with up to 95 mcg of Selenium. This is almost twice an adult’s RDA. In a recent New Zealand study, Brazil nuts were found to be a far more preferable source of Selenium than supplements. If you are not a fan of Brazil nuts, you can also look to walnuts to support your wellbeing.

Including a Selenium rich food like these nuts in your diet regularly should negate the need for any supplement in the first place. Other plant foods that contain a notable amount of Selenium include various cereals and grains, raisins, onions, garlic and kidney beans.

Having a variety of these Selenium-rich foods in your diet can help you to meet your daily needs for this trace mineral. Asides from this, it can certainly help you to support long term health and wellbeing. Whether you want to prevent Cancer or support cognitive (brain) health, you can rely on this mineral to help you.

The most potent Prostate Cancer Killing Plant is Wasabia japonica - Wasabi.

But not the stuff you normally get with your Sushi. That is normally a mix of horseradish, mustard and artificial colouring.

I am talking about the real stuff - it is a plant and doesn't require anything else to be added to make it taste the way it does. It also naturally contains the highest amount of cancer killing ingredients yet  found in the plant work. Here is more information about this amazing plant.

For those of you do not like the taste of Wasabi then there are supplements available. The ones we recommend is the SAWA brand which does not contain any additives or fillers of any kind. They are 100% Pure Wasabia japonica rhizome powder in a vegetarian capsule.

Buy your Sawa capsules here and help support this website.

All Capsules contain Sawa 100% Pure Wasabia japonica freeze dried rhizome powder. No additives of any kind.

Recommended dosage is 1 - 3 capsules daily with food at breakfast.

Selenium? It is good for you – kills cancer

Selenium - An element that kills cancer

Selenium is a metal and is number 34 on the periodic table. 

We came across the periodic table in our physics and chemistry classes at school.

Selenium is rare and in very small quantities in soil.

The human body only needs minute amounts of this mineral to kill cancer. One or two Brazil nuts per day is more than enough to satisfy your requirements.

An essential mineral

This amazing nutrient is vital to your health even if you never heard of it. It is an essential mineral, meaning it must be obtained through your diet. It is only needed in small amounts, but plays a major role in important processes in the body like metabolism, killing cancer and thyroid function.

Your body only need a tiny amount of Selenium to remain healthy. Ihelps your body make special proteins, called antioxidant enzymes. These play a significant role in preventing cell damage.

Nutritional Selenium

Brazil nuts have the highest levels of nutritional selenium. One ounce of brazil nuts contain 544 micrograms of this important nutrient or 777% the Recommended Daily Allowance.

High quality supplements are available. They should contain L-selenomethionine, the most absorbable form of selenoproteins.

For most people the best option may be to include selenium-rich foods in their diet. Great sources include: brazil nuts, crimini mushrooms, cod, shrimp, tuna, halibut, salmon, scallops, chicken, eggs, shiitake mushrooms, lamb, and turkey. Brazil nuts are particularly rich in selenium; it only takes one or two per day to improve your selenium status and boost immune function. (10)

This important nutrient can be toxic in high doses

Selenium is an element necessary for normal cellular function, but it can have toxic effects at high doses. Frequently reported symptoms included diarrhea (78%), fatigue (75%), hair loss (72%), joint pain (70%), nail discoloration or brittleness (61%), and nausea (58%). Symptoms persisting 90 days or longer included fingernail discoloration and loss (52%), fatigue (35%), and hair loss (29%). 

Selenium is a naturally occurring mineral required for good health. It is obtained from food, and the recommended dietary allowance is 55 μg/d for persons 14 years or older.  The tolerable upper intake limit of 400 μg/d.(1,2) This nutrient is available in a diverse diet with meat, grains, vegetables, and nuts is typically sufficient to negate the necessity for supplementation.(3) Selenium toxicity can occur with acute or chronic ingestion of excess selenium. Symptoms of toxicity include nausea; vomiting; nail discoloration, brittleness, and loss; hair loss; fatigue; irritability; and foul breath odor (often described as “garlic breath”).(1,2,4-6)

Selenium is found in the environment in soil. Soils of certain areas in the Great Plains and western United States(4). There are other parts of the world which have high concentrations, which are taken up by plants. For example, chronic toxicity was endemic in parts of China until recently.(6) Outbreaks of acute selenium poisoning are rare, but have been reported.(7,8)

Outbreaks of selenium poisoning are rare; the last occurred in 2008 with 201 cases. Prior to that was in 1983 and involved 12 persons who had consumed extremely potent selenium tablets as a dietary supplement.(7,8) A single case in 1996 was attributed to vitamins with elevated amounts of selenium.(9) Occasional cases are caused by unintentional or suicidal ingestion.(5) 

Top Uses of Selenium for Your Health

Did you know that Selenium could help your body to fight Cancer? 

Or that it is prescribed to treat chronic dandruff - it is an ingredient in many anti-dandruff shampoos?

This valuable mineral can actually do a huge amount for your wellbeing! As a trace mineral, you only need a small or ‘trace’ amount of it in your diet. But even a tiny amount of this mineral can make a big difference to your wellness. 

The main benefit is its ability to fight Cancer.

Not only can this trace mineral prevent the development of Cancer, but it can also help the body to destroy cancerous cells and tumours. Whilst fighting most forms of Cancer, it is particularly effective at fighting Prostate Cancer

As well as this, Selenium can be relied on to prevent Asthma attacks, since Selenium deficiency leads to an increased risk of Asthma.

The list of benefits that this mineral can offer you is seemingly endless, and this is just a few of its uses! 

It can also promote absorption of nutrients, treat Cardiomyopathy, and lower your risk of Keshan disease

All this is possible with just a small amount of Selenium in your diet. An adult only needs around 55 mcg a day, which can be achieved by eating just a few Brazil nuts daily. Whatever foods you get this mineral from, you can be sure of benefiting your body and tackling diseases with this important nutrient.

Cancer Killer

Cancer Killed with Selenium

If you have ever known somebody affected by Cancer, you will know what a serious and challenging condition it can be.

Whether you have known somebody who had Cancer themselves or a person with a loved one tackling Cancer, you will know just how much grief it can cause.

Cancer is one of the biggest causes of death in the modern world.

This has made perhaps the greatest concern of medical researchers and practitioners, particularly in the Western world.

There are many different types of Cancer. Nearly all of them are characterised by the excessive growth of dangerous cancerous cells in certain areas of the body.

One major form of Cancer is Prostate Cancer, which affects around 40,000 men a year in the UK alone.

Selenium kills Prostate Cancer

Risk of prostate cancer

1 man in 9 will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer during his lifetime. Prostate cancer develops mainly in older men. About 60% are diagnosed in men aged 65 or older, and it is rare before age 40. The average age at the time of diagnosis is about 66.

As a preventative the consumption of one or two brazil nuts a day is a minimal requirement compared to the potential of Prostate Cancer as you get older. If you are allergic to nuts then there are Selenium supplements you can take. So do one or the other from as early an age as possible.

Men Only

Prostate cancer only affects men. This small gland is located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is actually part of the reproductive system and helps to make the fluid that is known as semen. Semen is needed to carry sperm, so a healthy prostate is needed for proper ejaculation and fertility. Prostate Cancer occurs when the prostate gets larger.

As men get older it is natural for some enlargement of this gland to occur. However, in some cases, this can be a sign of very serious Prostate Cancer. This type of Cancer can make urination and ejaculation painful or difficult. It can also greatly affect reproductive and sexual wellbeing. But asides from complications and pain, Prostate Cancer can be seriously life-threatening. The pressing issue of Prostate Cancer has led to extensive research on treatment options and preventative measures. In particular, there has been interest in the use of vitamins and minerals to naturally prevent and control this form of Cancer.

One mineral that has proven to be particularly important is Selenium. 

In several different medical trials and scientific studies, it has been found that low levels of this mineral in the body can lead to a lower risk of Prostate Cancer. In particular, it is known that this important mineral can actively defend the body against the development of Prostate Cancer. 

This is because it can support the effects of antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress from occurring in the body. When oxidative stress builds up it can lead to Cancer. So it is important to ensure that antioxidants are able to fight this in your body.

Getting enough Selenium optimises the Cancer preventing benefits of antioxidants. Aside from this, it is thought that it can encourage the immune system to destroy tumours. 

If you are at risk of Prostate Cancer or are concerned about your future Cancer risks, then it definitely worth ensuring you have enough Selenium in your diet. People with low Selenium intake can reduce their Prostate Cancer risk just by getting more of this essential mineral in their diet. So if you are a man over the age of 50 it is especially worth making sure you get getting enough of this mineral.

As a woman it is an important mineral that you need to protect you from Cancer.

Brain Health

Supporting your brain health is important at any age.

One nutrient your brain relies on is Selenium.

This actually plays an important role in the production of neurotransmitters. These are brain chemicals responsible for transporting chemical messages through the brain. Without them, you would be unable to react or respond to anything. This makes Selenium quite important to normal brain function. In fact, a low level can lead to notable cognitive decline. 

Older people are at risk of Dementia if they have a Selenium deficiency. As you approach the age of 60, it is more important than ever to ensure you get enough Selenium in your diet. It could help you to lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Another benefit to brain health that this powerful trace mineral offers is in the treatment of Intracranial Pressure. This is a condition that causes a range of unpleasant and frustrating symptoms. These include frequent headaches, Vertigo, nausea, speech disorders, and chronic fatigue. According to some early research, Selenium could help to manage this condition and relieve the symptoms of it as well.


Your diet should include Selenium for your health and wellbeing. 

There is not actually a huge range of foods that contain this important mineral. For those who don’t eat meat, dairy or shellfish, there are even fewer food sources. This means that most vegetarians and vegans may struggle to find good food sources of Selenium. 

The good news is that you don’t need a lot in your diet at all. As a trace mineral, you only need a ‘trace’ or a small amount of it in your diet. If you eat even a small portion of Selenium-rich foods that could be enough to meet your Recommended Daily Allowance of 55 mcg. Although, if you want to treat health conditions with Selenium then you may want to get a little more Selenium than the RDA suggests, just under 200 mcg. 

Organ and Muscle Meat

Organ and muscle meat are known to be rich in Selenium. The liver is a good option since it is rich in nutrients and healthy enzymes. Although an unusual choice of meat, it tends to be cheaper and offers a unique flavour to meals.

Try swapping traditional cuts of meat for organ meats to increase your Selenium intake. Poultry can be a good source of Selenium although in most cases this is only true of organic and free-range poultry. Fish, eggs, and dairy foods also contain a significant amount of Selenium and can be included every now and then as part of a nutritious and healthy diet.

Plant Foods

With plant foods, most of the Selenium they contain depends on the soil they were grown in. Soil contains Selenium which is absorbed by the plant roots. Depending on the geographical location of where the plant is growing, the Selenium concentration of plant foods can vary quite a bit. If a plant food is considered to be rich in Selenium you can be sure that it has enough to help you meet your RDA. 

One of the absolute best sources of Selenium is Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are certainly the most concentrated plant food when it comes to this trace mineral. Just one Brazil nut provides you with up to 95 mcg of Selenium. This is almost twice an adult’s RDA. In a recent New Zealand study, Brazil nuts were found to be a far more preferable source of Selenium than supplements. If you are not a fan of Brazil nuts, you can also look to walnuts to support your wellbeing.

If you include a Selenium rich food like these nuts in your diet regularly it should avoid the need for any supplement in the first place. Other plant foods that contain a notable amount of Selenium include various cereals and grains, raisins, onions, garlic and kidney beans. 

Having a variety of these Selenium-rich foods in your diet can help you to meet your daily needs for this trace mineral. Asides from this, it can certainly help you to support long term health and wellbeing. Whether you want to prevent Cancer or support cognitive (brain) health, you can rely on this mineral to help you.

Irrelevant Nutrient

The trace mineral selenium was considered an irrelevant nutrient as recently as three decades ago. Now scientists have discovered that selenium is actually crucial to the health of humans. It plays a role in helping to protect the body against a wide range of damaging diseases and conditions.

Selenium’s rise from an irrelevant mineral to a crucial trace element has occurred as a result of studies. They indicated its role in regulating metabolism, cell manufacture, enhancing reproductive efforts, neutralising damaging free radicals and protecting the body against infection and cancer. In addition to these benefits, selenium is the only trace element that is incorporated into our genetic material. Selenocysteine is a specific amino acid that is incorporated into numerous proteins in our bodies under the direction of the genetic code.

Mostly we obtain selenium from plants. This bonds with proteins in our bodies to create compounds known as selenoproteins. At least 25 unique selenoproteins exist within our bodies. These play an important role in many processes from protecting us against free radical damage through to activating thyroid hormone release.

Commonly found in supplements as Sodium Selenite.

Multiple Protective Roles

Selenium combines with the body’s natural antioxidant, glutathione, to form powerful compounds known as glutathione peroxidases.

Glutathione peroxidases are compounds that convert hydrogen peroxide and other damaging compounds into water or harmless alcohol. Selenium also combines with a specific protein to form a compound referred to as Selenoprotein P. This particular protein helps to protect the circulatory system including the heart and all the blood vessels from damage.

The other benefit of selenium is that it reactivates vitamins C and E back to their active state. Vitamins C and E work to neutralise free radicals and without selenium, these neutralised compounds would be excreted out including the vitamins C and E. By binding with the toxic molecules, vitamins C and E are put back into their active state so that they can attack more free radicals and protect our bodies.

Immune System

Selenium plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the immune system. Selenium is required to signal cytokines, which are compounds that tell your immune system to get to work. Additionally, selenium has been shown to prevent viral mutation of many species and thus prevent recurring infections.

Important studies in the US and Finland have shown the protective effect of selenium against cell mutation. Within the UK, dietary selenium levels are considerably lower than in the US. These levels have fallen very significantly in recent years. Levels now stand at around half the Government’s defined Reference Nutrient Intake which for the UK is 70 mcg for men and 60 mcg for women.

A dietary supplement of selenium has tremendous potential for reducing the various forms of cell mutation at a relatively low cost. When researchers at the University of Arizona conducted a study involving 1300 patients, they found more than 50% reduction in certain cell mutation diseases when compared to the placebo group.


The thyroid gland holds the largest concentration of selenium of any organ in the body. Three different selenium-bound proteins are responsible for making active thyroid hormone available in circulation. Selenium is therefore essential for all the processes carried out by the thyroid gland including metabolism, normal growth and development. This is aside from the link between thyroid hormones and all the other hormones within our body. Thyroid hormone deficiencies affect most other hormonal glands in the body.

Selenium’s role in protecting the cardiovascular system remains unclear. It is theorized that selenium’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may help protect the heart, although more research needs to be carried out to confirm this.


Food sources of selenium include chicken, meat, grains, fish and dairy products. However most of the foods we ingest contain very low levels of selenium especially if you live in Europe. The reason for this is because selenium is a trace mineral that is extracted by plants from the soil and therefore its availability is largely determined by soil quality. Unfortunately most of Europe, China and New Zealand are known for having selenium deficient soils, as do parts of the USA.

It is estimated that before the end of the century using moderate climate change projections, the predicted future (2080–2099) soil selenium losses will be 58%. Predicted losses from croplands were even higher, with 66% of croplands predicted to lose 8.7% selenium. These losses could increase the worldwide prevalence of selenium deficiency.(11)

When combined with vitamin E‚ selenium (selenomethionine) may have several additional benefits. It can support some of the cells that are responsible for producing energy. Overall‚ it may promote fertility and growth.

Finally‚ selenium supports healthy blood flow because it is essential to the production of prostaglandins. It is also involved in thyroid hormone synthesis‚ and immune system functioning; the latter is because it may work with other minerals to build up white blood cells.

There are several forms of selenium supplements available on the market. Selenium (selenomethionine) combined selenium with organic methionine that is incorporated directly into proteins; it releases selenium into the bloodstream when these complex molecules are broken down during the metabolic process.


1. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Toxicologic Profile for Selenium. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service; 2003. [Google Scholar]

2. Institute of Medicine (IOM) Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids.Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2000. Selenium; pp. 284–324. [Google Scholar]

3. Levander OA. Scientific rationale for the 1989 recommended dietary allowance for selenium. J Am Diet Assoc. 1991;91(12):1572–1576. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

4. Fan AM, Kizer KW. Selenium-nutritional, toxicologic, and clinical aspects. West J Med. 1990;153(2):160–167. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

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11. Gerrad D. JonesBoris DrozPeter GrevePia GottschalkDeyan PoffetSteve P. McGrathSonia I. SeneviratnePete SmithLenny H. E. Winkel, Climate change affects selenium deficiency risk, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Mar 2017, 114 (11) 2848-2853; DOI:10.1073/pnas.1611576114.

The most potent Cancer Killing Plant is Wasabia japonica - Wasabi.

But not the stuff you normally get with your Sushi. That is normally a mix of horseradish, mustard and artificial colouring.

I am talking about the real stuff - it is a plant and doesn't require anything else to be added to make it taste the way it does. It also naturally contains the highest amount of cancer killing ingredients yet  found in the plant work. Here is more information about this amazing plant.

For those of you do not like the taste of Wasabi then there are supplements available. The ones we recommend is the SAWA brand which does not contain any additives or fillers of any kind. They are 100% Pure Wasabia japonica rhizome powder in a vegetarian capsule.

Buy your Sawa capsules here and help support this website.

All Capsules contain Sawa 100% Pure Wasabia japonica freeze dried rhizome powder. No additives of any kind.

Recommended dosage is 1 - 3 capsules daily with food at breakfast.

High Blood Pressure? Are you one of the 80%?

High Blood Pressure can be scary and dangerous. But the good news is that the more you learn about your blood pressure, the more you may be able to control it. Using proper diet and lifestyle changes as well as medication. You don’t be scared – educate and empower yourself.

Over 80% of the population has blood pressure issues! Even scarier, most people and doctors do not address or understand the underlying issues that caused it in the first place.
Blood Pressure complications diagram

As you can see from the diagram above, persistent hypertension can subject you to conditions that ultimately will kill you.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of our blood against the walls of the arteries. These carry the fresh oxygenated blood away from the heart and out into the body. Blood pressure can vary throughout the day, but generally stays within a general range. This depends on body position, breathing, stress, fitness, medications, and time of day. Blood pressure is usually lowest at night and rises quickly upon waking.

Your blood pressure is measured with two numbers—the top number is called “systolic”, and the bottom number is “diastolic”. The systolic number, measures the pressure of your blood against the walls of your blood vessels as it is pumped out of your heart. The number on the bottom, the diastolic measurement, represents the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart rests between beats. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Generally, a healthy blood pressure regarded as being between 90-120 systolic, and 60-80 diastolic. Blood pressures measured above 120/80 are considered high and termed “pre-hypertension”. Blood pressures of 140/90 or above are considered “hypertension” and usually require medical treatment or a change in your lifestyle. A ‘hypertensive crisis’ is a dangerous situation when your blood pressure rises dramatically high and means that your blood pressure is 180 or higher (systolic), over 100 or more (diastolic). Mine hit 200 when I had kidney stones.

Hypertension Categories as determined by the American Medical Association

The American Heart Association lowered these standards back in 2017. The Medical Industry opted for greed  to include more ideal customers. In fact they effectively doubled the number of ideal customers for their members in a single stroke.

Greed trumps science

The definition of hypertension (high blood pressure) has changed considerably over the years. Back when the Medical Industry when driven by health concerns and not greed, the medical community set the upper limit for healthy blood pressure at 140/90 mm/Hg. If your blood pressure crept above 138/88 mm/Hg the Doctors intervened.
Then, in 2017 the American Heart Association (AHA) lowered the hypertension threshold significantly. They classified normal blood pressure as under 120/80 mm/Hg. That’s the “safe zone” to reduce your risk of stroke and other complications. The question that immediately sprang to mind when I found this out was “Why?”
The previous guidelines set the threshold at 140/90 mm Hg for people younger than age 65 and 150/80 mm Hg for those ages 65 and older. This means 70% to 79% of men ages 55 and older are now classified as having hypertension. That includes many men whose blood pressure had previously been considered healthy.

So now that the Medical Industry is telling over 80% of the population they have hypertension what are they doing about it? They are doing what they always done, push drugs onto you instead of trying to find the cause and treat that. 

As a group Doctors are the most successful drug pushers in the world. Their bosses (The Pharmaceutical Industry) are the Drug Overlords who have managed to convince Governments that their drugs are good for the population. Statistics show that this is not the case as deaths caused by Pharmaceuticals being misprescribed or over prescribed is now the 4th highest cause of death in the USA. This is more than the deaths caused by illegal drugs.

This is similar to what the American Medical Association did with obesity. See the article here.

Why Does It Matter If You Have High Blood Pressure?

Having hypertension means that your arterial walls have stiffened due to a variety of factors that is discussed later in another article. 

When blood vessel walls lose their elasticity, you run the risk for deadly heart disease, strokes, and aneurysms (dangerous bulging of arterial walls).

As an example, think of an old garden hose that is stiff and cracked. If you turned the water on full blast, then pinched the hose, you’d create buildup of pressure in the hose. Often that pressure will create a leak.

The same thing happens when you have high blood pressure. Arterial walls get stiffer, and surges of blood can actually create bulging and ballooning in the walls of the arteries, even in the aorta or the brain. If and when these bulging areas rupture, you have a hemorrhagic stroke or a ruptured aneurysm. This is often Deadly.

One of my dancing teachers had an aneurysm in the brain in the middle of a dancing competition, she was dead before she hit the ground. She was never diagnosed with a hypertension before she died. If you have hypertension then you need to start looking after yourself before it is too late.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

While not a lot is known about the direct causes of high blood pressure, there are several key things that come into play. Often there is a genetic factor but genetic factors do not CAUSE high blood pressure. They simply make you more likely to get it at some point. What is interesting here, is that some people may be more susceptible to certain things while other factors have virtually no effect on them. Age also makes a difference. As we age, our blood vessels tend to get less elastic, so that lifestyle factors affect us more.

The above statement is the one that is the most common one that Doctors use. The reason why is that have no idea what is causing your hypertension. And to be honest it is a load of BS.

It was know as far back at the beginning of the 1900's that people who lived in underdeveloped countries and ate mainly vegetables and plants. They had the occasional meal of meat and had a "normal" blood pressure well into their old age. By this I mean the records show that the normal blood pressure was 120/80 (or less) from their teens to the day they died in their 70's and 80's. They also walked everywhere and worked had with manual labour.

So now the Doctors take the easy option. They prescribe pills instead of telling their patients to walk more, dig the garden and do some sort of manual labour to keep the body in good shape. Going to the gym doesn't really cut it as the whole body needs to be working, and not just a selected number of muscle groups.

Unhealthy Lifestyle factors that you can change

Here are a few unhealthy lifestyle factors that definitely contribute to hypertension, but they often do not show up until middle age. These include:

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • Diet high in processed and starchy foods.
  • Being obese or overweight.
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Sodium (Salt) intake.

The Signs and Symptoms of Hypertension

The problem with high blood pressure is that it generally has no obvious signs or symptoms. Many people may have hypertension and never even know it, unless they visit their doctor. However, measuring your blood pressure is actually quick and painless. Everyone should be getting it checked on a regular basis.

Occasionally some people with hypertension may have some unexplained headaches or pressure in their head. Generally hypertension has no symptoms, unless you are in what is called a “hypertensive crisis”. Even then this condition may have subtle or no symptoms. This is when blood pressure has risen over 180/100.

Blood Pressure Testing in Doctors office

Hypertensive Crisis

A hypertensive crisis is divided into two categories: urgent and emergency. In an urgent hypertensive crisis, your blood pressure is extremely high, but your doctor doesn't suspect you have any damage to your organs.

In an emergency hypertensive crisis, your blood pressure is extremely high and has caused damage to your organs. An emergency hypertensive crisis can be associated with life threatening complications.

Signs and symptoms of a severe hypertensive crisis may include:

  • Very bad chest pain
  • Severe headache, accompanied by confusion and blurred vision Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe anxiety
  • Shortness of breath
  • Seizures
  • Unresponsiveness

This is a medical emergency and may require a visit to Urgent Care or ER. Medical complications of a hypertensive crisis can include stroke, and damage to the blood Vessels.

Swollen Ankles can be avoided

Swollen left ankle from sitting down at your desk all day

Swollen ankles is a common occurrence, especially if you are sitting down all day at a desk or even coming off a long airplane or train trip.

Here are 4 easy ways to get rid of your swollen ankles without using drugs or requiring a Doctor's visit.

Some people (mainly my kids) call Swollen Ankles cankles because there is no definition between the calf and the ankle.

If you suffer from this and every time you mention it to your Doctor,they tell you have water retention and prescribe diuretics, then try these 4 easy steps.

  • Sleep with your feet raised. I use a pillow or a bolster. Just this by itself will reduce the swollen ankles quickly.
  • Walk around at least every hour. You don't need to walk a marathon but try and do 100 steps.
  • Drink Green tea at least once a day first thing in the morning
  • Eat some (or all) of the foods mentioned below.

How I found out what worked to stop my Swollen Ankles.

I suffered from swollen ankles for a long time and the only thing that the Doctors offered was to take a diuretic. A diuretic flushes water from the body and you are always going to the toilet to empty your bladder. This is not a bad thing except that the swollen ankle keeps reappearing.

Since I decided that I didn't want to be on drugs all my life, I went out to find out what the cause was.

What I found was really interesting and simple when it was explained to me.

The problem as it was described to me was that the fluid that drained to the bottom of the lower extremities (legs and feet) wasn't been pumped back to be recirculated through the heart. This pump is a lymphatic pump in the leg muscles and it wasn't working properly.

What is a lymphatic pump?

The lymph fluid is moved through the body in its own vessels. This fluid makes a one-way journey from the feet to the veins at the base of the neck. Since the lymphatic system does not have a heart to pump it, its upward movement depends on the motions of the muscle and joint pumps. 

So if you stop moving those muscles and joints they don't pump the fluids back to the neck veins. This fluid tends to collect at the lowest point in the body. That is the main cause of swollen ankles.

What happens when a lymphatic pump doesn't work?

The lymphatic system clears away infection and keeps your body fluids in balance. If it's not working properly, fluid builds in your tissues and causes swelling, called lymphedema. Other lymphatic system problems can include infections, blockage, and cancer.

Not moving can cause Cancer. That is really scary, especially if you are stuck behind a desk all day.

Why is the Lymphatic system important to reduce Swollen Ankles?

Your lymphatic system is one of the many important cleansing parts of your body, along with your liver. Both of these systems keep your blood healthy, your digestive system humming. It also helps the body detox from harmful substances the natural way that nature intended it to do. However, sometimes bad lifestyle choices or harmful foods can all cause a slow down of lymph. The lymph is a fluid that goes through your body and is part of your cardiovascular system. The lymph affects all parts of the body and is affected by others, such as the digestive system, as well.

View your blood and digestive system as something that needs your help daily. You help by eating beneficial foods and consuming water-rich drinks. This keeps it moving well, as does regular activity. While exercise and even hot showers and massage can all stimulate lymph flow, food choices shouldn’t be ignored. [See below].

Lymphatic system diagram

Can a person live without lymph nodes?

Lymph nodes that have been removed during cancer or other surgery can leave part of the body without a way to drain off the lymph fluid in the affected area. Many of the lymph vessels now run into a dead end where the node used to be, and fluid can back up. This is called lymphedema, and it can become a life-long problem.

What are the first signs of lymphedema?

Signs your lymphatic system may need some assistance include headaches, sluggishness, inflammation, poor digestion, mucus build-up, and general stiffness. 

Lymphedema signs and symptoms, which occur in your affected arm or leg, include:

  • Swelling of part or all of your arm or leg, including fingers or toes.
  • A feeling of heaviness or tightness.
  • Aching or discomfort.
  • Recurring infections.
  • Hardening and thickening of the skin (fibrosis)

Foods that can reduce your Swollen Ankles.

Be sure to avoid dairy foods that slow lymph down, along with processed foods, sugary foods, and foods high in oils. These can all be clogging to the body, while the foods below all possess natural cleansing properties that also energize you. They also keep you moving. Since movement acts like a pump for the lymphatic system, you just can’t go wrong with these foods!

1. Citrus

Citrus is one of the most detoxifying foods you can eat, specifically lemons, limes, navel oranges, tangerines, blood oranges, and grapefruit. These foods all possess powerful enzymes, along with Vitamin C. These support the body and keep digestion flowing. Enjoy one - three servings of these daily, whether that’s the whole fruit as a part of a meal or snack. Also use the juice squeezed into water or onto salads or entrees, or wedges of the fruit used in smoothies. Be sure to buy organic since toxic chemicals can be in the peels. Citrus fruits are also good for your liver, so they’re just overall great when trying to keep your body healthy.

2. Berries

Berries are rich in detoxifying benefits that cleanse the system and also add hydration for healthy lymph flow. Since lymph helps the body filter toxins, it’s important to eat foods with anti-bacterial benefits such as cranberries. Of course other berries are also great, so choose whichever ones you enjoy and eat them daily. The dark red and purple berries appear to have the most anti-oxidants.

3. Greens

All types of greens remove harmful chemicals and toxins from our body that you encounter daily. They nourish your cells to detoxify the way your body wants to. They also provide nutritional support with Vitamins A, C, and K, along with iron, magnesium, B vitamins, and protein. 

4. Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds

These seeds provide magnesium to support the nervous system and healthy fats to lubricate the body and promote lymph flow. They also help scrape the digestive tract from toxins through healthy fibers. This keeps your body from toxic-build up that can block lymph flow due to slow digestion. Toss a few into your next bowl of porridge, use them to bake with, or add them to smoothies and raw trail mix. I use all types of seeds when I bake bread.

5. Chia, Hemp and Flax

Like pumpkin and sunflower seeds, these seeds are full of omega 3 rich fatty acids, which are excellent for lymph flow. Hemp seeds are also a good source of chlorophyll, nature’s best cleanser, so be sure to include some into your daily diet. Their fibre also keeps the body’s processes moving and flowing naturally, and will help your heart stay healthy. Enjoy them in oatmeal or sprinkle them onto a smoothie or entree. Healthy fats like these also help your body absorb nutrients from other foods that the lymphatic system needs to work well.

6. Herbs and Spices

All herbs and spices are amazing for cleansing the body. Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, wasabi and black pepper being some of the best. These foods also contain antioxidants that benefit the brain and can help the digestive system. This benefits the lymph flow. Garlic is another powerful food that also comes with the same benefits.

7. Seaweed and Algae

Spirulina, kelp, nori, wakame, chlorella, and dulse are types of seaweed and algae your body love. They are not just cleansing for the body. Because they are also incredibly nutrient- dense, they provide high amounts of iron, omega 3’s, Vitamin A, protein, magnesium, B vitamins, iodine, and chlorophyll. Try to add a teaspoon of these to your diet if you can.

Spirulina can be used in smoothies, along with chlorella, and dulse, wakame, kelp and nori. They all make great salad and wrap ingredients.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and even vegetable juices if you have access to a juicer. These hydrate the body and keep things moving along the way your body prefers.

Don’t let your health suffer from poor lifestyle and diet choices. You deserve the chance to feel well as much as absolutely possible, so get up and move daily, try some yoga, get some fresh air, enjoy that hot shower, and fill up on these foods!

Eat Fat to Stay Slim – Seems Weird but true

Eating Fat - Seems a bit counter intuitive, doesn't it?

That is why most dieters are afraid of fat. The common fear is that eating too much fat will eventually make you fat.

There is some truth in this, but as usual some diet promoters has taken this to extremes.

The American Heart Association says that dietary fats are essential for the health and well-being of your body. Fat is a nutrient that promotes cell growth, hormone production and protects your vital organs while supplying energy.

Eat fat to remain slim

But not all fats are good for you. It’s important to know that fat comes in several forms: Saturated and Unsaturated.

The bad fats like saturated fats are solid during room temperature (think butter) while monounsaturated and polyunsaturated comes in liquid form like oil.

Saturated and trans fats are your bad fats as it raises your cholesterol (LDL) levels in your blood. Monounsaturated, polyunsaturated on other hand, is beneficial to consume as it lowers bad cholesterol levels.

More importantly, how does Fat help you lose weight?

The body requires three macronutrients for energy – carbohydrates, protein and fats. When you deplete fats from your body, you are directly affecting your metabolism as your body doesn’t receive the nutrients that it needs. Metabolism is necessary for your body to burn fat when you’re resting. You can easily measure this through the use of an electronic scales.

(P.S We highly recommend getting your own so that you can track your progress easily!) - Use a notebook to keep track.

Healthy unsaturated fats like almonds and avocados help keep you full. This prevents you from overeating. Other examples include fish, seeds, leafy vegetables, olive oil or even avocado oil.

It defeats the purpose of weight loss and reducing your cholesterol levels if you’re eating the bad fats.

Do not eat Junk food full of bad fats
Fats should be part of your diet but make sure that you eat the good ones!

Remember, you don’t have to compromise your diet in order to achieve your goals. You can still enjoy the food you eat – just do it where you know what you are putting in your mouth. (Not what is shown in the above picture).

Eat more Wasabi

Six Reasons Why You Should Eat More Wasabi

Whether you've been out for sushi or browsing the international aisles at your grocery store, you might have noticed a green paste or powder called wasabi.

Wasabia is a spicy green Japanese condiment that was originally made from the herb Wasabia japonica. Wasabia japonica rhizome is a rich source of unique long-chain methyl isothiocyanates that have been shown to help maintain healthy liver enzymes and DNA, as well as support a healthy anti inflammatory process.

Why else should you be eating more wasabi?

Listen in as the Wasabi Maestro (Michel Van Mellaerts) shares the powerful benefits of wasabi and why you should be eating more of this food.

In the following article I shall call the authentic plant product Wasabia, and the fake product wasabi.

Let's talk about why we all should be eating more Wasabia. You know, that green paste you get with sushi. Although that paste you get with sushi in restaurants and sushi bars is probably not Actual Wasabia and I will get into that in a moment. That small amount of green paste that clears your sinuses, gives you that real kick and wake up call, your eyes water and then it's gone and you just feel awesome. I love it. We should be eating more Wasabia. Let me just tell you about Wasabia. Let's discuss the Wasabia japonica story because that's the plant name. Wasabia japonica has been grown and eaten in Japan for centuries. It is believed that the daily consumption of this plant Wasabia japonica improves the health and fights off a large number of illnesses.

This has now been borne out in a large and increasing number of scientific studies on the actions of these naturally occurring compounds in Wasabia. For centuries, there have been a lot of traditional uses of Wasabia, a lot of anecdotal evidence, historical evidence, even folklore, surrounding Wasabia and its medicinal properties.

More and more scientists are starting to back up what traditional users of Wasabia have always known: it's good for you.

More and more people are seeing Wasabia as a functional food for human health--consuming it on a daily basis. Let me just tell you the problem, though. At least in the United States, when you think you are eating the wasabi plant, we are probably not. Wasabia is hard to grow and cultivate mainly because it has to be done at higher elevations.

Of course, in higher elevations the temperature can change so much and if it gets too warm the wasabi plant doesn't do too well and if it gets too cold it doesn't do well. So, there's this right elevation, this perfect elevation, where it's not too cold and not too warm in the mountains of Japan. Yet people don't want to go up there and cultivate the plant anymore. Then you add to the fact that there's so much pollution in Japan and the bottom line is the actual plant Wasabia japonica is not really grown that much anymore because it's just too hard and no one wants to do it.

Here's what the Japanese did, knowing that there was going to be a massive demand in Western countries for the unique flavour of Wasabi.

The Japanese have a great business eye for this kind of thing. In order to make up for the reduction in Actual Wasabia, the Japanese food industry provided a solution. They took powder or paste that contains European horseradish mixed with mustard seed and FDA approved coloring. So, that green stuff that you thought was wasabi that you are getting with your Westernised sushi is horseradish with food coloring in it and maybe a little mustard seed. And it's really not providing that much benefit.

Horseradish does have some benefits but not to the level of Wasabia. So, when you think you are eating wasabi in all countries in the world, you probably aren't. You can get it but you have to ask for it. It's going to cost a little bit more but it's worth it. When you look at the Wasabia plant, the most important part of it is the swollen stem (rhizome). There's a specific type of compound in the rhizome called an isothiocyanate. That's the key compound that we want from the Wasabia.

I did some research after learning about Wasabia and learning about how hard it is to grow the plant and cultivate it and then learning about how the Japanese have a kind of work-around with horseradish, I decided I'm going to do some straight forward, good, old-fashioned research on PubMed to find out what the true benefits of Wasabia that contain these unique isothiocyanate [Iso-thio-cy-an-ates] compounds are.

Wasabi rhizome after hair root removal before cleaning

Here's what I found.

Number one

Actual Wasabia with isothiocyanates inhibits the development of lung tumors, at least in mice. There are a lot of cancer researchers who are now are pushing the NIH to do some human clinical trials with Wasabia standardized to a fixed level of isothiocyanate.

This was published in Cancer Letters 2000. There hasn't been much follow up with this, I don't think. If you go to, you can search "wasabi" and/or "isothiocyanate" and "lung cancer" and see what kind of trials are out there. I don't think there are too many. The use of Wasabia to cure Lung Cancer has been shown to work, at least in mouse models.

The latest studies (2019) are showing that the active ingredients in Wasabia japonica kill nearly all types of Cancer cells. I shall be addressing these cancers in future articles. 

Number two

Actual Wasabia has potent antibacterial activity. Now, this has been known for a long time and this has probably been one of the big reasons that traditional cultures have used actual Wasabia in wounds and when people are sick with cold, flu, whatever.

Historically speaking, they made the claims it works wonders but now there is some research evidence that it truly does have at least antibacterial activity and is also anti-viral. The International Journal of Food and Medicine, 2004 did a really good study on this. The Biological Sciences and Biotechnology Biochemistry journal, published in 1998 some research looking at the antibacterial activity and it does seem to have some.

Some hospitals are now using Wasabia based cleaning products to overcome Golden Staph infections are appear to be endemic in most hospitals.

Number three

Actual Wasabia suppresses glandular stomach cancer.

This is a good one. We don't have a lot of good treatments for stomach cancer. This study was published in Nutrition and Cancer, 1991.

Looking at actual Wasabia with isothiocyanates and the effect on cancer was positive and the results published in a peer review journal a long time ago. Again, go to and there's not a lot of follow up with these things and that's a shame.

Number four

Wasabia has some antiplatelet properties so it can help work in kind of the same way aspirin does. A study has shown that Wasabia works almost immediately compared to the 10 minutes that aspirin normally takes to reduce pain.

Wasabia japonica rhizomes after cleaning and ready for processing or eating

In a post-stroke type situation or maybe even used in combination with other anti-platelets with people with A-fib to prevent blood clot formations Wasabia would be useful. This was shown to be true in a study that was published in the Biofactors journal in 2000.

There's a number of traditional benefits of Wasabia, a lot of historical, anecdotal claims about Wasabia and those claims are now being backed up with solid, peer reviewed publications, sometimes in animals, sometimes in a petri dish, sometimes in humans.

Number five

Wasabia increases the abundance of protective detox enzymes. Those are your liver enzymes. Detox is a big issue.

We know that we have a built in, really awesome detox system called the liver. But the liver is being overwhelmed in today's environment, so it needs help. Wasabia can be that help.

The Journal of Biology and Chemistry, in 2002 showed that Wasabia can enhance the activity of phase I and phase II detoxification paths in the liver. Other things that can do that are milk thistle, melon extracts, B Vitamins and now you can add Wasabia to that list.

Number six

Wasabia has a protective effect against colon cancer risk.

This study was published in Nutrition and Cancer in 2004. Just a lot of really good benefits of Wasabia but you have to make sure you're using Actual Wasabia japonica if you are going to eat and consume it.

The latest studies show that Wasabia japonica is actually capable of killing almost every type of cancer. 

If you are going to buy a product make sure it is only Actual Wasabia and not the generally available horseradish blend.

Here are some products that do contain 100% Pure Wasabia japonica rhizome with no additives of any type. These products contain a very high level of the active ingredients that studies have shown kill cancers and maintain a healthy body.

100% Pure Wasabia japonica products that have the health benefits mentioned above can be found at

Sleep more – live longer

Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker.

In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you get sleep — and the alarmingly bad things that happen when you don’t, for both your brain and body. Learn more about sleep’s impact on your learning, memory, immune system and even your genetic code — as well as some helpful tips for getting some shut-eye.

Sleep keeps you alive

This is well worthwhile watching. Getting your 8 hours sleep a night is what you need to live a longer healthier life. Highly recommended